BUSINESS TECH | Taiwan lends helping hand for PH start ups


Several Taiwanese organizations will help the Philippines “incubate” more startups.

The UPSCALE Innovation Hub at the University of the Philippines said it has signed several agreements with Taiwan to help Pinoy tech start-ups.

Dr. Luis Sison, project leader of UPSCALE said the agreements with Taiwan “highlights the accomplishments of the technology hub in its 2-year existence.”

Sison said Taiwanese organizations include the Southern Taiwan IC Design Incubation Center, Southern Taiwan Industry Promotions Center, ITRI, Kaoshiung Medical University Incubator, and the National Kaoshiung University for Science & Technology.

The goal of the agreements is to develop top start-ups from the Philippines to become globally competitive.

The Taiwanese organization will help incubate potential Pinoy startups in the agritech and healthtech sectors, Sison said.

In fact, a Pinoy startup called Farmwatch (an agritech start up) and Veris (a medical device start-up), have been “co-incubated” in Taiwan for further development.

Sison also added that aside from Taiwan, UPSCALE expects to also sign agreements with India.

Currently, UPSCALE said it has 38 start-ups. One interesting start-up is “Gitara ni Juan,” a start-up which focuses on developing alternative raw materials for the production of guitars. The start-up has already unveiled a prototype which is gaining traction after it was endorsed and used by a local celebrity.

by Joel Pinaroc, contributing editor
Contributing editor at TechSabado | Website

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