EMPLOYMENT | Top jobs in the ‘next normal’
The jobs that will matter most in the next normal will be influenced by the lingering aftershocks of the pandemic.

Students in a computer class. Students in front of computers in a computer class. Soft focus
The Covid-19 pandemic has practically changed the workplace and fresh graduates and job hunters in the post-pandemic era, also referred to as the next normal, will have to shift their search strategies to land the job that gives them the best compensation and benefits package.
In general, the jobs that will matter most in the next normal will be influenced by the lingering aftershocks of the pandemic, the expanded use of new technologies and it has to be said, a looming recession. Some specific developments that paved the way for these top jobs to emerge include work from home and hybrid work arrangements, increased demand for digital skills, mass layoffs and bankruptcies and restricted travel and movement of people.
Tech Sabado counts down the next prime job opportunities by economic sector as the economy hurdles past this unpredictable killer plague.
1. Health sector
• Nurses, doctors, care givers and health workers
• Infection tracing specialists
• Emergency services personnel
2. Technology sector
• Data scientists
• Database administrator
• Cybersecurity professionals
3. Logistics/Demand fulfillment sector
• Supply chain analysts
• Distribution manager
• Customer relations officer
4. Education sector
• Digital learning toolkit developers
• Remote learning support staff
• Distance learning teacher’s trainer
5. Manufacturing sector
• Cloud computing engineers
• Automation technical staff
• Collaboration technology manager
6. Financial services sector
• Corporate rehabilitation\remedial accounts officers
• Consumer relations officer
• Cybersecurity threats and risks analysts