NAMBAWAN! | PH ranked #1 consumer of vlogs, video games


There are 5.16 billion internet users in the world today, and 4.76 billion social media users.

Source: Meltwater-We Are Social

Social and media intelligence monitoring company Meltwater and socially-led creative agency We Are Social, recently released their latest annual report on social media and digital trends worldwide.

The Digital 2023 report revealed that the time spent online globally has fallen to pre-pandemic levels, however, the time spent on social media use has increased. Analysis of the data suggests that people are looking for more purposeful internet use, with a focus on quality over quantity. In particular, social platforms are claiming an ever greater share of the world’s search activity.

The Philippines, for its part, was the number 4 country in terms of time spent on social media reaching an average of 3 hours 43 minutes, significantly higher than the global average of 2 hours 31 minutes. Fillipinos were also identified by the study as avid consumers of vlogs and video games, ranking number 1 for both. In addition, 23.4% of Filipino internet users own some form of cryptocurrency compared to the global benchmark of 11.9%, making them the third highest country to do so.

Other key findings from the said report include that 95.8% of internet users in the Philippines play video games on any device, making it the country to do so, ahead of the global benchmark of 81.9%. This put our countrymen to spend an average of 1 hour 29 minutes on a game console each day compared to the global average of 1 hour 14 minutes.

It was also revealed that 55.6% of internet users in the country, aged 16 to 64, watch vlogs each week and are the largest consumer of such content, compared to other countries. Filipinos, the report indicated, ranked number 1 globally in terms of vlog consumption, significantly ahead of number 2 Indonesians, who came in at 33.3% , while the global benchmark is 25.5%.

Of this, 97.9% watch TV content via streaming services with the likes of Netflix, YouTube and other online video platforms each month compared to the global benchmark of 90.9%. While 48.2% listen to music streaming services each week, ahead of the global benchmark of 39.1%.

Source: Meltwater-We Are Social

Read the full DIGITAL 2023 Report here.


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