CYBER SECURITY | Cybersecurity Leaders Converge in Manila for ASEAN-Japan Conference


In a move that signals the Philippines’ growing role in regional cybersecurity, the country is set to host the Philippine leg of the International Conference on ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Community (IC-AJCC) on September 19. The event, aptly named CyberSecConPH, is a collaborative initiative between the Philippine Computer Emergency Response Team (PH-CERT) and the National Association of Data Protection Officers of the Philippines (NADPOP).

A Gathering of Minds and Experts

“CyberSecConPH is more than just a conference; it’s a catalyst for change in the cybersecurity landscape,” said Sam Jacoba, the chair of the event. “We are inviting over 100 of the country’s top CISOs, CIOs, and data professionals to this exclusive, by-invitation-only gathering. The aim is to foster a culture of knowledge-sharing and collaboration.”

International Insights and Local Perspectives

The conference boasts a lineup of esteemed speakers from across the globe. Seiichi Ito, Chair of the International Relations Committee of the NPO Japan Network Security Association (JNSA), and Dr. Rudi Lumanto, Founder and Advisor of the Indonesia Network Security Association (IdNSA), will share best practices from Japan and Indonesia, respectively. Providing a local viewpoint, PH-CERT President Lito Averia will discuss cybersecurity best practices in the Philippines. Additionally, USec. Jeffrey Dy from the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) will provide updates on the National Cybersecurity Plan for 2023-2028.

The Imperative of Cybersecurity

The timing of the conference is crucial, given the surge in cybercrime incidents. “The need for a fortified cybersecurity infrastructure has never been more urgent,” emphasized Averia. “We must bolster our ranks of cybersecurity professionals to fend off increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Moreover, it’s essential to build ethical communities that can collaboratively counteract the efforts of rogue elements and state-sponsored cyber terrorism.”

A Diverse Array of Thought Leaders

The conference will also feature a wide range of facilitators who bring different perspectives to the table. Among them are Wilson Chua, Co-Founder of Bandwidth and Signal Strength Philippines (BASS); Engels Antonio, ICT Committee Chair of the National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development; Dr. William Yu, CTO of MDI Novare; Atty. Mara Villegas, PH-CERT Vice President for Legal; Dr. Arne Barcelo, Service Management Track Head of the Information Systems Department at the University of Sto. Tomas; Atty. Kiko Acero, Data Protection Officer of Meralco; and Abet Dela Cruz, Co-Founder of PH-CERT.

Future-Proofing the Nation

Beyond the discussions, CyberSecConPH aims to be a launchpad for initiatives that will fortify information security and cybersecurity practices in the Philippines. “We are not just talking about the present; we are planning for the future,” said Jacoba. “The conference will serve as a blueprint for how the Philippines can navigate the intricate web of digital threats and opportunities.”

A Step Towards a Safer Digital Philippines

As the Philippines continues to integrate technology into various aspects of life and governance, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. CyberSecConPH serves as a timely reminder and an actionable platform for the country to step up its efforts in ensuring a safer digital environment for all.

In a world where digital threats are ever-evolving, events like CyberSecConPH are not just timely but necessary. The conference serves as both a wake-up call and a roadmap, aiming to not only address current challenges but also to lay the groundwork for a more secure digital future for the Philippines and the broader ASEAN region.

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