RETROTECH | Computer Chronicles: Apple II Forever (1988)
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) television technology series The Computer Chronicles on a topic about the Apple II in a 1988 episode.

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Today they’re called “mac heads”, but way back in the 1980’s, Apple users were in love with the Apple II. Despite the introduction of the Mac in 1984, the Apple II continued to have its devoted fans. This program looks at the Apple II culture during the early Mac era. Included are the Apple IIc+, the Apple II-GS, and a rare Apple I. Guests include John Sculley and Gary Kildall. Software demonstrations are of Math Blaster, Paintworks Gold, and Microsoft Bookshelf. Also a look at the newest Macintosh at the time, the Mac IIx. Originally broadcast in 1988.
Copyright 1988 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
Color: color
Identifier: CC605_apple_ii_forever
Sound: sound
Type: Moving Image